Frederick Street bridge replacement in Kitchener to extend Hwy. 7 project to 2027: MTO

The Highway 7 project between Kitchener and Guelph has been extended another three years.
The province now says it could be 2027 until a required bridge replacement on Frederick Street in Kitchener is complete.
In an email to 570 NewsRadio Kitchener, Tanya Blazina, spokesperson for the Ministry of Transportation (MTO) said “There has been no impact to the anticipated completion date, and the Frederick Street bridge project is expected to be completed in 2027.”
The Highway 7 project itself was approved back in 2007.
Just this past February, the province announced it was advancing construction on Frederick.
Minister of Transportation Prabmeet Sarkaria said at that time, “The people of Kitchener-Waterloo have waited far too long for the new Highway 7…That is why our government has made it a priority to move this project forward.”
Now 570 NewsRadio is learning it could be 2027 until the bridge is fully replaced, with construction set to start next year.
Contractors were able to submit proposals for the project starting at the end of February, it was just over a week ago on September 12, the contract was closed.
“As is common with all tenders, time extensions are provided to ensure clarification and additional information is provided to bidders. Extensions are also granted at the request of bidders,” adds Blazina.
The new bridge is needed for the construction of the new Highway 85/Highway 7 interchange. The bridge will be made longer, with shoulders and multi-use paths allowing for both pedestrian and cyclist traffic.
The proposed 18-kilometre four-lane highway will be located just north of the existing Highway 7, and will connect Highway 85 at Wellington Street in Kitchener to the Hanlon Expressway at Woodlawn Road in Guelph.
Once complete, it will feature seven interchanges between Kitchener and Guelph and a new crossing over the Grand River.
There is currently municipal utility work underway on Frederick Street, the MTO says it is working with the city to ensure both projects move forward.