GRCA warns of blue-green algae found near Belwood Lake reservoir

The presence of a small blue-green algae bloom has been seen near the boat launch at Belwood Lake reservoir, with signage now posted notifying the public of the conditions.

The Grand River Conservation Authority (GRCA) says visitors, recreational users, and cottage goers should be aware that when blue-green algae is visible, the following precautions should be taken:

The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks as well as the Wellington-Dufferin-Guelph Public Health Unit have also been notified.


Blue-green algae is said to thrive on nutrients from fields and lawns that find their way into local waterways during heavy rainfall and spring melts, which can cause their populations to grow rapidly, forming blooms or scum on the surface of the water. Some varieties of blue-green algae can produce toxins that are harmful to both people and pets.

The GRCA says when an algal bloom starts to grow, a noticeable green or brown scum will form on the surface of water bodies and the water look like green or bluish-green pea soup. Once blue-green algae are in full bloom, it may look like spilled ‘paint’ along the shoreline.

A new blue-green algal bloom often smells like fresh cut grass, while an older bloom can smell like rotting garbage.

You can visit the GRCA website to learn more about blue-green algae on GRCA reservoirs or visit the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks website.