Region looks to expand speed camera program with council motion

The region is looking into expanding its speed camera program with a motion being put forward by staff next Tuesday that would add Community Safety Zones (CSZ) while a municipal speed camera is deployed.
If approved by council during the Sustainability, Infrastructure and Development Committee on Aug. 13, new CSZ would be identified with plans to expand the speed camera program later in the year as part of the budget plan for 2025.
CSZ aim to make drivers more attentive while travelling through those areas while also doubling traffic offence fines.
In the report, it says the region is hiring new staff and hearing officers who will start this fall to help with the growing number of traffic offence tickets.
A CSZ can be added to an area that has a prime community feature like a school, medium, large park, community centre or a hospital. They can also be added to areas that have two secondary community features like daycares, seniors centre, a small park or playground.
A plan to expand the region’s speed camera program was approved last year which aims to have speed cameras outside of 60 local schools by the end of the year.
More information about the plan to install Community Safety Zones can be found in the agenda for next week.