Guelph Police charge driver for triple the alcohol limit, crashing girlfriend’s car

Guelph Police have arrested a man they say not only got into a drunk driving crash, but did so behind the wheel of his girlfriend’s vehicle.

It happened just before 10:00 p.m., Tuesday, on Stone Road at the Hanlon Expressway.

Police say the victim, driving a Tesla, was stopped at a red light when their vehicle was hit from behind, causing significant damage.


No one was seriously hurt, though.

Police say officers could smell alcohol on the other driver’s breath, and he showed signs of impairment.

Testing at the police station showed he had more than three times the legal amount of alcohol in his system.

The 30-year old man from Guelph was charged with impaired driving, and his licence was seized.

The vehicle he crashed was impounded, and police say it turned out to be registered under his girlfriend’s name.