Plans to upgrade chalet, lifts and add elevation to Chicopee Ski and Summer Resort over next decade

With another ski season in the books, Chicopee Ski Hill and its CEO, Bill Creighton, are looking ahead to the future, with big plans over the next decade.
According to Creighton, the resort is adding six different runs to the hill, both beginner and more advanced, adding lifts, renovations planned for the chalet, and adding 10 metres of elevation to bring more advanced terrain.
“We’re raising the elevation almost 10 metres on the Fairway side, which is the maximum elevation we can go to because we’re in the flight path zone of the airport,” said Creighton.
Chicopee is also expanding even further as the place to learn how to ski and snowboard by doubling the capacity of their carpet lifts and adding a four-passenger quad lift on the learner courses.
“Our capacity grows,” said Creighton. “We sell out our programs. Really, the challenge is people waiting in line to get up the hill. This will solve a lot of those issues.”
Chicopee keeps the environment in mind during its expansion, especially in partnership with its landlords, the Grand River Conservation Authority.
They’re currently 8 years into studying local butternut trees and bats and ensuring their expansion keeps them in mind and protected.
Plans to expand summer operations are on hold while construction is ongoing on the property and upgrading the chalet. creighton says that once that work is completed, they will return to their summer camp operations.
Looking ahead to the future, Creighton says he’s sure Mother Nature will treat them with plenty of snow next year to make up for the lacklustre winter conditions seen this season past. Creighton said it was the toughest season he’s had at the resort since joining on.