The Working Centre opens temporary 24-hour warming shelter

The Working Centre has converted its building at 87 Victoria Street North in Kitchener into a temporary 24-hour warming shelter.

The move comes as temperatures across Waterloo Region dropped to as low as -30 degrees Celsius with the wind chill this week.

The site provides shower and laundry services and houses between 30 to 50 people a night.

The building has been offered as a shelter since October as part of the organization’s move to St. John’s Kitchen.


Joe Mancini, the Director of The Working Centre, said they offered around 230 spaces that are full and there are not many supports that offer 24-hour services.

“We can document 60 to 100 people in Kitchener-Waterloo that are unsheltered that need a place to go every night,” said Mancini.

The region offers warming centres, including community centres and libraries, during regular day time hours. The latest some stay open is 9 p.m.