Another month required for safety improvements to Mill Run Trail

The City of Cambridge needs more time to complete a major safety upgrade at one of the most popular trails in the Region.
A pedestrian signal crossing on the Mill Run Trail at Speedsville Road won’t be fully installed until the end of October.
Upon completion button-activated lights with signage and road markings will be installed to let drivers on the busy roadway know they have to stop for trail users to cross.
Christina, a frequent user of the trail tells CityNews 570 why she wants this safety upgrade.
“Everyone speeds down this road, so it’s very necessary. For people crossing it, it’s scary,” she said.
Another trail user who spoke with CityNews at that crossing said she gives it a seven out of 10 for being dangerous or intimidating.
So far the city has only completed part one of the upgrade by installing concrete pads at the crossing, and new guardrails.
At the Mill Run Trail crossing at Speedsville in Cambridge, which can see very heavy traffic at times, the contractor hired by the city has the new concrete pads, guardrails installed, but needs another month to get the flashing light pedestrian crossing installed. @CityNewsKIT
— Mark Douglas (@DouglasCityNews) September 24, 2023