Residents share their experiences during virtual townhall on renovictions

A virtual townhall Thursday evening gave residents a chance to learn more about their rights as renters facing renovictions.

The event ran from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. and featured speakers from industry experts and organizations that specialize in eviction protection.

Regional Councillor Rob Deutschmann hosted the event and residents were given a chance to ask questions and share their experiences.


Maribel Jagorin, a frontline advocate against renovictions in the region, was a speaker at the townhall and is currently facing a renoviction in Kitchener. She said the local supports by the Social Development Centre of Waterloo Region and Association Of Community Organizations For Reform Now (ACORN) helped her get assistance in challenging her landlord.

“ACORN tenant union is giving us a lot of strength to resist this renoviction,” said Jagorin. “The education, the courage we have right now is coming from the knowledge we have the community support and they are fighting for our rights”

She and a group of tenants are challenging their landlord at Traynor Avenue.

Shannon Down, the Executive Director of Waterloo Region Legal Services, said there is an imbalance in justice when it comes to applications to the Landlord Tenant Board. She noted that renters who file a grievance have to wait months to hear back, but eviction notices are processed faster.

“Your home is a fundamental part of your stability and your life,” said Down. “Some times leaving is better than staying because they are so stressed out.”