Canadian Wrestling Championships underway in Waterloo

Teams from across the country are hitting the mats at Rim Park.

Alberta's women's team came out on top at Thursday's under seventeen championships, with Ontario taking the top spot for the men's team.

Friday is the under twenties competition, where winners will qualify to represent Canada at the Pan-America Championships in June.


Saturday will feature the Senior Canadian Championships.

Chris Woodcraft, the high performance director with Wrestling Canada Lutte, said the championship will have a significant impact on developing wrestling in the region.

“The Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge area hs always had a very strong high school age group program.” Woodcroft stated. “It's good to see a number of wrestlers from the Waterloo-Kitchener area competing over these three days.” 

Woodcroft added that the heavy snow fall facing the region won't impact the tournament, with most players already flown in and staying 10 minutes away from Rim Park.

Tickets for the competition are available at the door for $15.