More moves to improve road safety: Bridge Street reconstruction, pair of new roundabouts

Regional council is making more moves to improve road safety.

It voted to go forward with reconstruction on Bridge Street in Kitchener in a meeting Wednesday night. 

It approved a vendor for the $9.4 million project. 


Bike lanes, new concrete curbs, and pedestrian crossings are on the way.

Construction starts in June and takes place between University Avenue and Lancaster Street.

It's expected to be complete next fall.

Councillors also voted to add two more roundabouts to intersections, which have been the scene of serious collisions in the past.

One will be in Woolwich at Sawmill Road and Ebycrest Road.


The other will be in North Dumfries at Cedar Creek Road (Regional Road No. 97) and Trussler Road.

It's expected these will reduce delays for drivers. 

Construction is planned for 2024.