Conservative candidate calls for investigation into workplace and harassment policy at HoC

It's a question being raised by a Conservative candidate: is the Workplace Harassment and Violence Policy good enough in its current state at the House of Commons?

It follows the complaint made against Raj Saini, the Liberal incumbent running in Kitchener Centre.

Conservative candidate Michelle Rempel-Garner said that allegations against Saini made her wonder whether the policy is actually good enough in its current form.


Rempel-Garner said in a statement that Saini is still a candidate and it's possible he could return to parliament if he gets re-elected, and that the parliamentary community needs to be assured that these policies that are in place actually work.

She raised concerns that workers “allegedly may present concerns regarding their safety and well-being.”

Meanwhile, the local Conservative candidate running against Saini, Mary Heinen Thorn, said the allegations against him are disturbing.

She said a line must be drawn when it comes to covering up the sins of powerful men.

She added the investigation called for by Rempel-Garner would be a good start.