New option may see LRT in service as scheduled in late 2017

As roads continue to open up after months of LRT construction, many are wondering how close the region is to seeing its first trains on the tracks.

After a delay in Bombardier train assembly when they stumbled on some issues, the first train is now expected to reach KW in December, they were supposed to arrive in August.

After that, trains will come in every few weeks, with the final one coming in early 2018.


At first, this meant that the official opening and running of the LRT would be pushed back to 2018 as well, but Regional Councillor Tom Galloway says that may no longer be the case.

“We will have a number of vehicles ready to go at the original time,” says Galloway. “But we don’t have the full compliment. So we’re looking at an option where we might be able to start the service without the whole compliment, but that has not been decided yet.”

He adds that this would see several trains in service by the scheduled time of late 2017.

In terms of the dome that was build and demolished during construction, Galloway says GrandLinq will pay for the entire cost, unless they make claims against the region, which they would plan to fight.

As of now though, no such claims have been made, but GrandLinq doesn’t have a deadline they have to follow to file the claims.