Cambridge City Councillor wants an end to Multiplex negativity

The City of Cambridge is hosting an open house tomorrow afternoon to give residents a chance to provide input on the proposed Multiplex project.

One city councillor is asking those who wish to attend to bring a positive outlook and constructive criticism.

Ward 1 councillor Donna Reid, who is on task force assigned to find a suitable location for the Multiplex, says extreme negative is putting the project in jeopardy.


Reid says the personal attacks need to end, “If you really feel strongly that the Conestoga is not the right place, then that’s what you talk about, you don’t talk about the people on the task force.”

Last week Mayor Doug Craig stepped down from the Multiplex Task Force after some citizen’s raised objections to the legality of his membership. Mayor Craig voluntarily removed himself despite the fact he was allowed to be a member. In an interview on The Eric Drozd Show, Mayor Craig said he didn’t want to become a distraction.

Councillor Reid says it is a very active minority who hurting the conversation with negative personal attacks.

She believes there are many out there who have good things to say but are scared off. Reid says the open house is the opportunity to be heard, “I am urging people out there who support the multiplex to come out and be heard, I am not even suggesting where it be, I am just saying if you want one (Multiplex) then talk to us about it.”

The open house will be held at the Hespeler Arena tomorrow at 3:00 p.m. and again at 5:30 p.m. A second open house will be at City Hall on September 8th.


The Multiplex task force hopes to provide city council with a viable location by mid-October.