Kidman dry-eyed as ‘Paperboy’ gets standing ovation at Cannes; co-star Efron brought to tears

CANNES, France – The Cannes standing ovation brought Zac Efron to tears, but Nicole Kidman remained dry-eyed.

Their movie, “The Paperboy,” premiered at the film festival Thursday.

Kidman says she saves her tears for her family.


“All of this other stuff, the glitter, those sort of things, I’m more sort of immune to at this stage,” she says. “It’s probably because I’ve been doing it for so long.”

After mixed reviews, the film’s cast and director Lee Daniels, who also directed “Precious” in 2009, were delighted with the 15 minutes of applause.

Efron says it was one of the most profound moments of his life.

“The Paperboy” — a steamy 1960s small town thriller — is competing for the Palme d’Or.